
May 12, 2020

Karn: The Overrated Warrior


महाभारत का एक ऐसा पात्र जिसको लेकर काफी गलत धारणाएं बताई गई है। 
कुछ ऐसे सत्य जो आपको जान लेने चाहिए।
1. महाभारत के अनुसार कर्ण गुरु द्रोण का ही शिष्य था। गुरुकुल के समय से ही वह अर्जुन से ईर्ष्या करता था। 

2. रंगभूमि में उसे रोका नहीं गया था। उसने भी अपने धनुर्विद्या का प्रदर्शन वहां गुरुओं को आज्ञा के बाद किया। 

3. गुरु दक्षिणा के रूप में जब द्रुपद को बंदी बनाने की बात हुई तब कर्ण द्रुपद से भी पराजित हो गया था। बाद में अर्जुन ने द्रुपद को बंदी बना कर द्रोण को प्रसन्न किया। 

3. द्रौपदी स्वयंवर के समय भी जब राजाओं का अर्जुन और भीम से युद्ध हुआ तब कर्ण अर्जुन से हार गया था। 

4. युधिष्ठिर के राजसूय यज्ञ में जब भीमसेन पूर्व दिशा में विजय यात्रा पर निकले थे तब अकेले उन्होंने कर्ण को अंगदेश में पराजित किया था। 

5. वन पर्व में जब गंधर्वों से कौरवों का युद्ध हुआ तब कर्ण युद्ध में पराजित हो गया था। इस युद्ध में भी अर्जुन भीम ने ही कौरवों की रक्षा की थी। 

6. विराट पर्व में जब कौरवों ने मत्स्य देश पर आक्रमण किया तब कर्ण सहित सभी कौरव महारथियों को अर्जुन ने अकेले ही पराजित कर दिया था। अर्जुन के सारथी उस समय राजकुमार उत्तर थे। 

7. यदि कर्ण के कवच और कुंडल नहीं मांगे जाते तब अर्जुन और कर्ण का अंतिम युद्ध अनुचित होता। और यदि अर्जुन कर्ण का वध कवच सहित करता तब ये सूर्य देव का अपमान भी होता। अतः इन्द्र का कवच मांगना उचित ही था। 

8. कुरुक्षेत्र के युद्ध में कर्ण अभिमन्यु, भीम, सात्यकि जैसे योद्धाओं से पराजित हो गया था। अर्जुन की तो बात ही छोड़ दें। 

कर्ण भले ही कितना बड़ा योद्धा ही क्यूं ना हो। वो अर्जुन से हमेशा हार गया। वो ईर्ष्यालु भी था तथा दुर्योधन के पक्ष में होने के करें सर्वथा वध्य था। ये कहना की अर्जुन इसीलिए जीत रहा था क्यूंकि उसके सारथी कृष्ण थे अनुचित होगा। कृष्ण सिर्फ एक कुरुक्षेत्र में अर्जुन के सारथी थे। 

May 10, 2020

Jaidrath Vadh: The revenge of Arjun

Jaidrath Vadh
Mahabharata Drona Parv Ch 85-146

When Arjun came to know about death of Abhimanyu and that Jaidrath was main reason as he had stopped rest of army from entering Chakra Vyuha, He pledged to kill Jaidrath next day. 

Also Read: Abhimanyu Vadh

To Save Jaidrath, Drona had made Shakat Vyuha on 14th day of MBH war. All the army was focused to stop Arjuna from reaching Jaidrath. 

On 14th day, Major Warriors from Pandavas side were Arjun, Satyaki and Bheem.

Today's Major accomplishments were:
1. Arjun destroyed Elephant army of Durmarshan
2. He defeated Dushashan and his army badly. Dushashan had to flee from battlefield.
3. He defeated Dronacharya and Kritvarma.
4. Dhrishtdhumn was badly injured by Dronacharya and Satyaki came to his rescue.
5. Arjun killed Vind, Anuvind and other warriors from Kaurav army. He made a pond in between the kurukshetra so that his horses could rest. Then again he marched towards Jaidrath.
6. Duryodhana equipped with Armour given by Dronacharya came to fight him. Arjun still defeated him and he had to flee.
7. Bheem defeated Alambush. Alambush was a Rakshas, the son of Jatasur.
8. Satyaki defeated Dronacharya. Yuddhisthir sent Satyaki to help Arjuna.
9. Satyaki defeated Kritvarma and killed Jalsandh.
10. Satyaki defeated Kamboj army, Yavan army, Mlechhas, Dronacharya and killed Sudarshan. He defeated Duryodhana along with his brothers.
11. Meanwhile, Dronacharya counters Dhrishtdhumn, he defeated Panchal army and killed many Panchal warriors. Dhrishtdhumn had to leave the battlefield.
12. When Yuddhisthir saw Dronacharya killing Pandavas, he sent Bheem to backup Satyaki and Arjun.
13. Bheem killed About 19 brothers of Duryodhana and destroyed Chariot of Dronacharya.
14. Bheem defeated Karna.
15. Satyaki killed Bhurishrava. Earlier during this battle, Arjun save Satyaki from Bhurishrava.
16. Arjun defeated Karna and Ashwasthama.
17. Arjun made Kripacharya unconscious.
18. Arjun killed Jaidrath.

Point to be noted for Karna fans is that Karna was defeated by bheem, Satyaki and Arjun in battles. I don't know where they read about Karna being better than Arjun.

Hence, On 14th day of war, Arjun killed Jaidrath and Pandavas defeated Kauravas.

Later that day and even night the war continued and Ghatotkacha was Killed by Karna.

May 8, 2020

Abhimanyu: The best of Warriors

Abhimanyu: The best of Warriors
Mahabharata Drona Parv Ch 33-50

On 11th and 12th Day of war Drona have been trying to capture Yuddhisthir but Couldn't do it because of Arjun.

So on 13th Day, Drona pledged to kill anyone Maharathi from Pandavas army and he created Chakra Vyuha to fulfill that pledge.

Arjun was distracted and taken away by Sanshaptakas.

When Pandavas came to know about Chakra Vyuha, Abhimanyu told that he knows how to enter the Vyuha but doesn't know the outlet. Yuddhisthir told him that he along with other warriors will follow him into the Vyuha.

Abhimanyu started at the Gate and defeated Drona along with his army.

Some of major accomplishments on the day were:
1. Killed son of Ashmak and brother of Shalya.
2. Made Shalya unconscious.
3. Defeated Dushashan and Karna.
(Karna was defeated even by Abhimanyu leave Arjun aside.)
4. Killed brother of Karna.
5. Killed Satyashrava, Rukmarath and other Prince warriors.
6. Defeated Duryodhana.
7. Killed Laxman and Son of Krath.
8. Killed Brihadwal(King of Koshal)  and other kings.
9. Defeated 6 Maharathi warriors at once.
10. Killed Ashwaketu and Bhoj and defeated Karna again.

Abhimanyu was killed by 6 Maharathi warriors after all this destruction.
They were: Dronacharya and Kripacharya, Karna, Kritvarma and Ashwasthama.

They all broke his Bow. When he defended himself with Sword and shield, Drona broke his sword. He then started killing Kauravas with a Chakra. They destroyed his Chakra too. He then wielded a Gada and killed the horses of Ashwasthama.
Then son of Dushashan killed him with his Gada.

Thus, Abhimanyu marked his name in History with Golden letters on 13th day of Mahabharata war.  

May 7, 2020

Women Empowerment in Indian Culture

Feminazis are trolling us for women rights and equality, So it becomes necessary to reply them.

Hindus have been worshipping Goddess and they are manifestation of energy of Gods. Mahakali, Mahalaxmi and MahaSaraswati are even placed higher than Trinity. 

We can't find any such reference in Abrahimic faiths. Christianity belief says that Eve, the first woman was responsible for human to suffer on this earth. 

Christians never gave any position to any female. According to them males are sources of Power but we hindus proudly say that Women's are Shakti ( source of all energies)

Neo Feminists Should stop preaching Hindus for women empowerment. 

When Laxmi Bai, Naiki Devi and Velu Nachiar were leading our armies against Invaders, Catholic church was burning women in Europe in the name of witch hunting. 

Arundhati and Anusuya are examplary teachers in  Gurukul Parampara of Indian education system. While, Position of Women in education in Abrahimic faiths is negligible. 

While there is no textual evidence on Moral policing on clothing of women in Hinduism, Islam has strict rules on how women should cover her body in public.

Our Ancient system was much more liberal, open, equal rights society. 

We won't treat Women as objects unlike modern religions.

We have various Women representation as goddesses. When she represents knowledge, she came on Hamsa, to kill Mahishasura she came in the form of Durga.

We won't treat women as abala naari, she has every power but in the modern world it's suppressed due to social disorder.

All our rivers are named after Devis. We have built-in respect by birth, no need to any teachings from abrahmics or atheists.

Conclusion: our system women built families & contributed to build nation by nurturing rooted, honest, goal oriented, dharmic warriors & built whole nation.

But modern feminism has destroyed families & roots by mocking our ancient system. 

Result, feminism contributed to destory societies, became corrupt, nurtured drugs/alcoholic addicted gender neutral social evils as there is no women centric objectives, except promotion of selfish individualistic charvak system. 

Solar System in Vedic Text

Solar System
Mordern VS Vedic Scriptures.

Reference from 
Hanuman Chalisa
Surya Sidhanta - 1500 BCE, later revised in 6th century and modified in 12th century.

Modern size of Moon - 2160 miles in Dia
Distance form Earth - 238900 miles

Vedic size of Moon - 2400 miles in Dia
Distance from Earth - 258000 miles.

The mordern science - The distance between The earth and Moon is 108 times the Diameter of the Moon. (Know why 108 is so important to vedic philiposy. This is one reason which Science just new recently)

Diameter of the planets
Vedic - 8000 miles (SS Verse 1.59)
Mordern - 7928 miles

Vedic - The dia upon the moons orbit of Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus are reduced to 150 miles, 187.5 miles, 225 miles, 262.5 miles and 300 miles. (SS Verse 7.13 )

SS Verse chapter 12/85 to 90 - Distance from the Earth, the orbit of Distance.

Vedic - Mars 3771.7 miles
Mordern - 4191 miles

Vedic - Saturn 73882 miles
Mordern - 72000 miles

Vedic - Mercury 3008 miles
Mordern - 3100 miles

Vedic - Jupiter 83248 miles
Mordern  - 86850 miles

Vedic - Venus - 8020 miles
Mordern - 7560 miles

Distance of planets from The Sun ( 1 - AU astrological Unit) e.g. average distance between Earth and Sun - 93 million miles. 

5th chanto to bhagwat puran states the distance between earth and sun average 9324000 miles.

Rigved - Dia of Sun is 108 times that of Earth.
8000 miles x 108 - 864000 miles (similar to Mordern science calculation)

Rigved on Earth Sun Distance  108 x times the Sun's dia - 93312000 miles (similar to mordern science)

Hanuman chalisa - Juga Shastra Yojan
1 jug - 12000
1 Shastra - 1000
1 yogan - 8 miles

12000 x 1000 x 8 - 96000000 miles.

Due to the orbit of sun and other planets the distance varies so even this figure is right when sun is far from Earth.

The Astrological units with Surya Sidhanta and Mordern Science is very Similar. 

Image attached - This Astrolabe is ancient navigation system kept in the Geneva museum of science history. Zoom in and see! The letters all have sanskrit script and our rashis are depicted. From around 14th century. A proof of the amazing work by our Vedic Scientist.

||HaRe KriShna||

This article was provided by Dhavan Yash Das. He loves to write on topics related to Science and Vedic Scriptures.

May 5, 2020

30 History Facts You were taught Wrong

Facts that they never taught you 

1. Caste system was never part of Sanatan Dharma.

2. Sati pratha wasn't part of Sanatan Dharma. 

3. Mughals destroyed India. They looted and crushed our economy, broke thousands of temples and killed lakhs of Hindus. Conversion of Hindus to Islam was done at large scale.

4. Britishers looted India.

5. There is nothing like Aryan Dravidian theory. In fact Civilization prospered around the world when people from India migrated outwards with their knowledge. 

6. Britishers destroyed our education system(Gurukul System).

7. Womens had higher place in Sanatan Dharma.

8. India gave mathematics, physics chemistry, biology, geography, medical science to world.

9. India gave Agriculture, Ayurveda, Yoga to the world.

10. Ashoka was not that Great what we have been told in School books. 

11. Temple like Delwara, hoysala, Kailash , Meenakshi, etc Are way more beautiful architecture than a stupid tombs built by Mughals.

12. Qutub minar, Adina, Jama masjid, gyanvapi and many other monuments in India were originally Hindu temples.

13. Hindus never attacked on any nation or community.

14. our 40k + temples destroyed by Muslim rulers.

15.  Sanatan Dharma isn't only dharma but It runs on pure Scientific Rules.

16. Invaders are still running propoganda to break India on several fronts.

17. Gautam Buddha never said that Buddhism is separate religion even Buddhism is also a vedic word. 

18. Sanatan Dharma is true Dharma others are  man-made  religions.

19. Sanatan Dharma is only environment friendly Dharma. 

20. Goa was a devout Hindu region, all its temples were erased first by muslims and then Portuguese.

21. Women were appointed Superintendents of various places especially in Karnataka in ancient period.

22. India controlled strait of malacca and south east asia region under Cholas

23. Tipu and Akbar weren't great kings. Tipu converted lakhs of hindus and destroyed huge number of Hindu temples. Tipu forcefully started feeding beef to Nair Hindus.

24. Britishers and Mughal didn't made us civilized neither they gave us architecture or technology. Most of The Scientific discoveries is either described in Our Scriptures or derived from it. 

25. Sufi Saints were Muslim Conversion Ghettos.

26. There is no father or chacha of India.

27. Last word of Mahatma Gandhi wasn't "Hey Ram".

28. Bheem Rao Ambedkar didn't write indian constitution, he was just a  chairperson of drafting committee.

29. Church is second largest owner of land in India after government.

30. Father of Antonio Maino was soldier in Mussolini Army.