Description of blood flow cycle :-
Atharva Ved talks about blood flow cycle occuring in our body.(अथर्व. 10.2.11) In the Shloka it asks that who made आपः ie water? This water is red in colour and contains iron. It flows in whole body from and towards heart. Here आपः means blood. Identification of herbs and their qualities :-
Some Shlokas talk about different medicinal herbs as if they are teaching the knowledge of medical science. For example:-जीवलां नद्यारिषां जीवन्तीमोषधीमहम्। अरुन्धतीमुन्नयन्तीं पुष्पां मधुमतीमिह हुवेद्मस्मा अरिष्टतान्ये। अवकोष्वा उदकात्मान औषधयः। व्युषन्तु दुरितं तीक्ष्णशृंगगमः ।।
:- अथर्व.8.7.9
Due to diseases, the steps were taken to identify the microbes responsible for it.
The parasites which attack human bodies be destroyed due to the heat of fire and herbs in the vegetation and make humans healthy.
Water Medication :-
In Atharva Ved, Shloka 1.4. it has been said that water is depiction and form of Amrit. The way Amrit cures body and mental diseases and provides health, peace and long life, water when taken properly gives all types of benefits.“भिषजां सुभिषक्तमा:” (अथर्व. 6.24)Water has been referred as biggest of physicians. It's said that water cures disease linked with heart and eyes. It also cures legs related problems.
Atharva Ved Shloka 6.57 says that water has capability to cure the wounds caused by arrows and other weapons.
(अथर्व. 19.2.5) It says that (आपः) water can be used in treatment of यक्ष्मा that is tuberculosis (टी.बी).
Treatment with Sun rays ( क्रोमोपैथी ) :-
In Atharva Ved, sun rays is prescribed for the treatment of jaundice and problems related with heart.This was the period when herbs were being recognised the most. They were not only collected from wild but were produced in farms.
(अथर्व. 6.21.2)
Experiments were being done on medicines for treatment of diseases. Like shatavar for tuberculosis.
( अथर्व. 20.96.1-24) jeevala for the leprosy( अथर्व. 19.39.1-10)
guggul for tuberculosi ( अथर्व. 19.38.1)
A herb named darbh has been mentioned which when used makes the person everyone's favourite.
(अथर्व. 19.32.1-10)Based on knowledge about medicine in that period, Ayurveda was composed.
In the tenth chapter of Atharva Ved entire organs of human body have been explained in an amazing way. From outer and big organs to subtle and smallest of parts are mentioned.
Realy it's a great stuff... Keep posting more of them