
June 2, 2020

Khajuraho Temples

Did You Know?

About the Khajuraho temple and it's sculptures. And What was the real message behind the sculptures of Khajuraho temples?

Khajuraho Sculptures

The Khajuraho temple was built between 950 and 1050 AD, during the time of Dhangadeva, Gandadeva, Vidyadhar. Chandela Naresh of the famous Kandariya Mahadev was built by Vidyadhar to commemorate the defeat of Mahmud Ghaznavi,

though history describes this war as disputed. It is called the city of temples, there were a series of 85 temples, which built temples of Vishnu, Shiva, Lakshmi, Surya, Lakshmana as well as Parshvanath and Chausath Yogini.

The beginning of the Chandela dynasty is believed to have originated from Lord Chandradeva. In ancient times, his son established the Jejakbhukti or Bundelkhand with his inspiration. The display of Kaam art at the temple of Khajuraho is world famous.

Kama is one of the four Purusharthas, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The Kaam in the temples was first depicted on the temple of Ellora which was later expanded to the temple of Khajuraho. Kaam is the basis of Maithuni creation.

The person whose Kaam is disturbed is not a healthy member for the society. It is not just for entertainment but for creation of this Shrishti, whatever be your approach with Kaam, the child will be born with the similar behaviour.

When the temple of Khajuraho was built, King Dhangadeva had surplus production. He told his Pradhan Shilpi that the wonderful and unique creation of a world, Shilpi designed the temple. When Chandel Naresh Dhangadeva saw the kaam in art painting on the temple,

he ordered Pradhan Shilpi to be Arrested and ordered death penalty for him.

The ancient tradition of India has been that the offender is given a few days to repent, after which the last wish of the time of execution is asked, if possible, it is fulfilled.

When Shilpi was asked any last wish, then he said that I have to meet Chandel Maharaj, can you fulfill it? This message was passed on to Chandel king. He agreed to meet.

The craftsman said, "O King, you have only seen the temple from outside. Once you see it from inside, then you can execute me." Chandel Naresh came to the sanctum sanctorum of the temple this time. He told Shilpi that it was a peaceful experience, what a secret behind it?

Shilpi said that the outer wall of the temple is not only a display of kaam, but the whole lust of human has been displayed. horses, elephants, women, men, Varaha, Dev etc. You just saw the kaam outside of temple.

Rajan, who will cross the river of desires or desires, which displays the external level, he will take the form of God. As soon as you entered the sanctum sanctorum, the Shiva lingam was shown.

But in the coming times, the man will be like you, in the external view of the temple, that is, soaked in lust, you will not be able to meet God sitting in the sanctum sanctorum.

Chandel Naresh understood the philosophy of Pradhan Shilpi and immediately appointed him his mahamantri.

But even today, from the Khajuraho temple, the world's foolish people wrapped up in the scene of lust, seeking entertainment far away from the original message it wants to propagate.

Philosophy of Kama in Sanatan Dharma

There are four types of srishti in the shastras Yagyik, Sankalpik, Mansik, Maithuni. At this time the Maithuni srishti is present on earth. There are four Purusharth Dharma, Karma, Kama & Moksha. All the 8.4 million Yonis procreate by Maithun That's why kaam is important.

The magnitude of kaam in  men and women is different. The outcome of grain is described by Saptdhatu which is Rasa(liquid), Rakta(Blood), Maans(Flesh), Meda(Fat), Asthi(Bones), Majja(Bone marrow) & Shukra(Semen) sequentially. The Kama of man is created by the eighth Dhatu(Root) of Grain. But the Kama of women starts with menstrual cycle mean Rakta(Blood). When Grain become Rasa and then Rakta, it originates the Kama in women. But the Shukra(Semen) is at 8th position from the Grain. This is why it is called that the Kama(desire) of Women is 8th times of men.

According to Rigveda 1.164 Men and Women are not different. The Shukra(Semen) of Men is mild even after men are Agneya. Women are Mild but the Rakta(Blood) of women is Agneya. That's why both have desire of each other to complete each other.  That's why the vaginal area of women is warm on the day of conception.

It is stated in Vrahadaranyaka Upanishada that Kama(Desire) originates in Mann(mind) which affects reproduction organs. Here the Kama is Diety the woman is Rishi and the reproduction organs are Bhokta(Consumer). The mind gets pleasure.
sage vatsayna

In Ramacharitra manas when Shivji was in Samadhi and the Tarkasur slaughter was just about to happen, who had boon from Brahma that he can only killed by the son of Shiva. To make this possible it was necessary to bring Shivji out of Samadhi. This responsibility was given to Manoj(Kamadeva) so he shot the arrow towards Shiva. Shiva Destroyed Kama but the magic of kama worked on him, He got out from samadhi and then married to Parvati. And the same time Goswami baba says that there is no one who is not tormented by Kama.

In Mahabharta Yudhistira asks Vasudeva that Who get more pleasure from Kama? Vasudeva says this question will be answered by Bhishma. The point to be noted here is that The knowledge of Kama is given to grandson by the grandfather.

With help of a story, Bheeshm explains the answer to Yuddhisthir. In the story a king had turned to female due to a Curse. His all son were killed. He did penance of Lord Indra. Indra agreed to revive one son of his choice. King selected his first son after he turned into female.

When Indra asked the reason for the choice, he said that he got more pleasure during conception of this son when he was female. So Our Scriptures tell us that pleasure of female is of more importance.

The thought of Kama remain along with the human because it is the product of Kama. There is no thought stable than this on this earth. The man who's Kama is unsatisfied is considered to make blunders. The matter of thought is that the Man and Woman become whole only by Kama this Kama brings melody between both of them. If there was no Kama How would have been relations between men and women.

Why Vatsayan sage had to think so deeply about Kama? in the form of Kamasutra? The only answer to this is that he told about the psychology of men so the disorder can be overcome.

Kamasutra contains all information related to Kama, In the today's time 70% crimes are related to Kama disorders in which  Rape, Sexual harassment, molestation, running away with girls and extra marital affairs comes.

Why the Lustful sculptures are there in our temples? which starts from Ellora Temples and expands to khajuraho. The Kama of our culture is different from the Lust here the Kama represents all types of desires, In which Lokeshna(desire for Fame), Vitteshna(desire for money), Pttreshna(desire for son) are included.

Kama was presented in temples so that human can overcome themselves from Kama. Indian scriptures contain the information about Kama like the other topics. Seeing Kama as weirdly is in the phylosophy of Yahudi, Christian and Muslim. where screaming, forceful acts and rape are considers Men satisfaction.

In there sex the feelings of women are not considered important.

Indian culture connects Kama with mental pleasure, wholeness and the pleasure for both. seeing sex as sin is wrong if sex was so bad than it wouldn't have the the medium of creation. Every person shows themselves as they don't have any interest in it even after being full of Kama.

2000 yr ago Sage Vatsayana made a successful attempt to overcome psychological disorders by creating the Kamashast
ra. Desire of sex is so powerful.

People who are considering The carvings of Sexual Artifacts or nudity as corrupted are diseased from psychological disorders and they dont know anything about indian culture. The guilt is in mind than how can anyone blame carvings guilty. This is the part of indian culture which gives men and women equal rights along with the life and death.